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Biafra: Facebook Restores Radio Biafra after Loosing ‘3 Billion US Dollars’ Few days he removed Radio Biafra London Group
By Afrivibes -
Nov 5, 2016


The popular RADIO BIAFRA LONDON Facebook account has been restored some minutes ago.The Facebook founder suffered a $3 billion loss in the value of his Facebook stock on Thursday, one of the largest single-day losses ever for an individual investor.

Facebook (FB, Tech3 shares plunged 5.5% after the chief financial officer warned investors that the company expects revenue growth from advertising to “come down meaningfully.”

ALSO READ: Nigerian Writes Mark Zuckerberg Via DHL, Accuses Facebook Of Helping Buhari To Crackdown On Opposition Voices In Nigeria

However, we Biafrans are very certain that it is the spirit of Biafra that is the cause of his misfortune, having compromised and violated freedom of speech and expression of Biafrans by suspending an account that has almost 1million members for no just cause, and the major channel via which the plight of Biafrans is passed across to the world.

Reality Starts Coloring CNN’s Election Map With A Shade Of Pessimism For Clinton

The polls were wrong because ...

by Jack Davis November 4, 2016 at 11:20am

Faced with the choice of being laughably behind the news or admitting the Electoral College is slipping away from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s grasp, CNN revised its Electoral College map Friday to reflect the fact Clinton does not have enough support locked up to win the election.

A candidate needs to win 270 electoral votes to win Tuesday’s election, regardless of the popular vote totals.

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CNN announced Friday that it had made four changes to its map. Those changes were:

Maine’s 2nd Congressional District from “battleground” to “lean Republican;”
New Hampshire from “lean Democrat” to “battleground;”
Ohio from “battleground” to “lean Republican;”
Utah from “battleground” to “lean Republican.”

CNN’s shift lags behind many polls that, for the past week, have shown Trump winning Ohio and likely to win Utah.

However, CNN’s count still gives Clinton 268 electoral votes against 204 that are solidly in the pocket of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

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According to CNN’s estimates, 66 electoral votes remain in play in states that include Arizona, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire and North Carolina.

Once again, CNN projects Trump to do worse than do most polls. Florida is the only state listed in which Trump does not currently lead, according to Real Clear Politics, which averages poll results. In Florida, where polling has been split, Real Clear Politics gives Clinton a lead of 1.2 percent over Trump.

Despite all the statistics, in the end the election comes down to people.

Nigel Farage, who led the successful Brexit campaign in Britain, said all the numbers could add up to nothing because Trump is tapping people the pollsters have ignored.

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“On the day of the vote, there was an opinion poll that put us 10 points behind, but we won,” Farage said of the Brexit vote.

The polls were wrong because those who don’t usually voted did so, he said.

“Modern polling companies cannot get to non-voters who are re-entering the system. The question is, is Trump reaching non-voters? I’m told that new registration of voters is quite high. It could be that Hillary’s ahead, but maybe by not so much,” he said.

Saturday, November 05, 2016
Nawa oo!! Strange Looking Baby Purportedly Born In Kaduna State (Graphic Photos)

Hausa news page, Zuma Times claims that the baby was born Thursday, November 3, at an undisclosed hospital in Kaduna State.. See more photos after the cut...

Oriental Times: Nawa oo!! Strange Looking Baby Purportedly Born In Kaduna State (Graphic Photos)

Oriental Times: Nawa oo!! Strange Looking Baby Purportedly Born In Kaduna State (Graphic Photos)

Friday, November 04, 2016
BREAKING: Niger Delta Militants Allegedly Blow Up Nigeria Cargo Ship In Akwa Ibom

A Nigerian based online news media today reported that Niger Delta militants have blown up a cargo in Akwa Ibom. The pictures were attached to the report.

More details later...

Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept
Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton pauses while speaking at a campaign rally at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S., November 4, 2016. REUTERS/Brian Snyder
Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton pauses while speaking at a campaign rally at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S., November 4, 2016. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

By Jonathan Allen | NEW YORK

The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.

Qatari officials pledged the money in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton's husband, and sought to meet the former U.S. president in person the following year to present him the check, according to an email from a foundation official to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. The email, among thousands hacked from Podesta's account, was published last month by WikiLeaks.

Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family's globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors.

If a new foreign government wished to donate or if an existing foreign-government donor, such as Qatar, wanted to "increase materially" its support of ongoing programs, Clinton promised that the State Department's ethics official would be notified and given a chance to raise any concerns.

Clinton Foundation officials last month declined to confirm the Qatar donation. In response to additional questions, a foundation spokesman, Brian Cookstra, this week said that it accepted the $1 million gift from Qatar, but this did not amount to a "material increase" in the Gulf country's support for the charity. Cookstra declined to say whether Qatari officials received their requested meeting with Bill Clinton.

Officials at Qatar's embassy in Washington and in its Council of Ministers in the capital, Doha, declined to discuss the donation.

The State Department has said it has no record of the foundation submitting the Qatar gift for review, and that it was incumbent on the foundation to notify the department about donations that needed attention. A department spokeswoman did not respond to additional questions about the donation.

According to the foundation's website, which lists donors in broad categories by cumulative amounts donated, Qatar's government has directly given a total of between $1 million and $5 million over the years.

The Clinton Foundation has said it would no longer accept money from foreign governments if Clinton is elected president and would spin off those programs that are dependent on foreign governments.


Foundation officials told Reuters last year that they did not always comply with central provisions of the agreement with President Barack Obama's administration, blaming oversights in some cases.(****HPCh)

At least eight other countries besides Qatar gave new or increased funding to the foundation, in most cases to fund its health project, without the State Department being informed, according to foundation and agency records. They include Algeria, which gave for the first time in 2010, and the United Kingdom, which nearly tripled its support for the foundation's health project to $11.2 million between 2009 and 2012.

Foundation officials have said some of those donations, including Algeria, were oversights and should have been flagged, while others, such as the UK increase, did not qualify as material increases.

The foundation has declined to describe what sort of increase in funding by a foreign government would have triggered notification of the State Department for review. Cookstra said the agreement was designed to "allow foreign funding for critical Clinton Foundation programs" to continue without disruption.

The State Department said it has no record of being asked by the foundation to review any increases in support by a foreign government.
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Asked whether Qatar was funding a specific program at the foundation, Cookstra said the country supported the organization's "overall humanitarian work."

"Qatar continued supporting Clinton Foundation at equal or lower levels" compared with the country's pre-2009 support, he said. He declined to say if Qatar gave any money during the first three years of Clinton's four-year term at the State Department, or what its support before 2009 amounted to.

In another email released by WikiLeaks, a former Clinton Foundation fundraiser said he raised more than $21 million in connection with Bill Clinton's 65th birthday in 2011.

Spokesmen for Hillary Clinton's campaign and Bill Clinton did not respond to emailed questions about the donation.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said that major donors to the Clinton Foundation may have obtained favored access to Clinton's State Department, but has provided little evidence to that effect. Clinton and her staff have dismissed this accusation as a political smear.

Last month, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman ordered the Donald J. Trump Foundation to stop fundraising in the state, saying it had not registered to solicit donations.

(Reporting by Jonathan Allen; Additional reporting by Tom Finn in Doha; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and Andrew Hay)

Russian spokeswoman Maria Zakharova makes a fool of Boris Johnson, after he accuses Russia of war crimes in Syria
Alex Christoforou
Alex Christoforou
September 25, 2016, 5:24 pm 21 11062
Boris Johnson just had his first run in with Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, and he got destroyed via Facebook.

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In an article on The Duran last week by Numan Abd al-Wahid entitled, “How becoming British Foreign Secretary made Boris Johnson flip on Syria”, we examined Boris Johnson’s sudden flip flop on Syria, right after he was appointed British FM.

Author al-Wahid notes…

Following his appointment as British Foreign Secretary British politician Boris Johnson has without explanation transformed from a supporter of cooperation with Bashar Al-Assad, the Syrian government and Russia in the fight against Jihadi terrorism into a supporter alongside Saudi Arabia of regime change in Syria.

Boris’ flip flop is easy to explain. By becoming British FM, Johnson got a gold card entrance into the globalist club.

The global elite, neocons, and Saudi monarchy probably had a nice sit down with Boris and “persuaded” the malleable ex-London mayor to see things their way on Syria and Russia. Boris is now a faithful foot soldier to the “powers that be”, who fund and support ISIS/Al Nusra in Syria.

Now Boris, the flip flopping, Saudi/neocon foot soldier is hitting the TV circuit to promote the war in Syria, and do his part to prop up ISIS and Al Nusra/Al Qaeda…

Johnson went on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, and made some fascinating claims. Most notably…

–that Russia was guilty of protracting the war in Syria as well as “making it far more hideous.”

Johnson said that Russia might be guilty of war crimes if allegations of its attack on a UN humanitarian convoy in Aleppo were true.

Unfortunately for Boris, he is not reading The Duran or Moon of Alabama, otherwise he would have known that evidence is now very much showing that a US Hellfire missile from a Predator Drone most likely set the UN convoy ablaze. Will the US now be guilty of war crimes Boris?

Luckily Russia has assembled a well qualified, sharp team of diplomats at the Foreign Ministry.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted Boris’ ridiculous claims and took to Facebook to respond to Johnson’s accusation regarding Russia’s role in Syria.

Zakharova said that the United Kingdom is guilty of protracting and worsening violence in Iraq, and in the kindest of gestures fixed Boris’ statement, so that it reflects facts on the ground.

“Everything is correct, except for two words: the word ‘Russia’ should be replaced with ‘Britain,’ and ‘Syria’ with ‘Iraq.'”
Sputnik News adds context to the diplomatic war of words going on between the US, its puppy dogs and The Russian Federation…

Currently Syria is seeing intensified fighting in the city of Aleppo, after the Syrian army declared an end to the week-long ceasefire on Friday, blaming militants for numerous violations that made the cessation of hostilities unreasonable.

Earlier on Sunday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that Aleppo had faced the most intense airstrikes since the start of the Syrian conflict, expressing dismay at the situation and the fate of civilians trapped in the city.

A UN-Syrian Arab Red Crescent convoy carrying humanitarian aid for Aleppo province was hit on Monday, according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). As a result, 18 of 31 trucks were destroyed and at least 21 individuals were killed. A number of US military officials claimed that Russia was responsible, while Russia called for a thorough investigation into the incident.

On September 9, US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov brokered a ceasefire in Syria that took effect three days later. The agreement called for unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid and stipulated that only designated terror groups would be targeted in military strikes.


Widgets Magazine

Widgets Magazine

The United Kingdom is guilty of protracting and worsening violence in Iraq, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday in response to UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's similar accusation regarding Russia's role in Syria.

BREAKING: It’s Not Just Voting Machines…Soros BUSTED Funneling Cash To…

There are already concerns that powerful billionaire “progressive” George Soros is interfering with the U.S. election. Critics note his relationship with the company that makes the electronic voting machines used in sixteen states.

However, his name has now come up in connection with a possible case of campaign finance violations in Arizona.

According to Conservative Tribune:

[A] campaigner for Maricopa County Attorney filed a complaint with the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office last week, alleging that Soros’ political committee, Arizona Safety & Justice, has violated campaign finance law.

An attorney for Bill Montgomery, the incumbent, filed the motion on Friday after he said that “the law requires political committees making independent expenditures to a candidate or office within 60 days of an election to provide 24 hours’ notice to opponents about submitted print or television ads.”

Is it really likely that Maricopa County can go up against Soros and win, especially in time for it to make a difference in this election?

Regardless, it will be interesting to see whether or not this case encourages other candidates and jurisdictions to challenge his power.

Going back to the all-important matter of those voting machines, the Tribune story includes this fascinating tidbit:

[I]t’s worth pointing out that Smartmatic points out as its “success stories” the nation of Venezuela and Cook County, Illinois. In case you hadn’t watched that television program called the news in quite a while, those are two places not exactly known for the integrity of the voting process.

Source: Conservative Tribune

Britain 'would be ready for war against Russia in two years'

18:17, 1 Nov 2016
Updated 143, 2 Nov 2016
By Ben Glaze

Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon says Nato 'is waking up to the challenge of Kremlin aggression and could confront Vladimir Putin's forces in a showdown

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Defence Secretary Michael Fallon

Britain would be able to fight a war against Russia within two years, Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon declared today.

Nato ‘is waking up to the challenge’ of rising Kremlin aggression , the Tory Minister told MPs.

And the alliance would be ready to confront Vladimir Putin ’s forces in a showdown, he insisted.

Sir Michael was speaking 10 days after Russia’s only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, sailed through the Dover Strait with escorts and destroyers .

The battle fleet was heading to the Mediterranean to launch fresh bombing raids on Syria to support Putin’s ally, President Bashar al-Assad .

The Cabinet Minister pointed to the rising threat from Moscow, with Russian bombers ‘buzzing’ British air defences , Kremlin submarines lurking off the UK coast and Putin’s forces accused of fighting in Syria.

“We have seen much greater Russian aggression this year, and in previous years, in terms of long-range aviation, in terms of submarine activity, and the carrier task group that sailed through our waters, the role of Russia in Syria and elsewhere,” he told the Defence Select Committee.

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Getty Images Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov recently made its way to assist the Syria's Assad regime
Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov is seen during the Navy Day Military parade July, 27, 2014 in Severomorsk. Putin is having a visit to Northern Fleet main naval base of Severomorsk.

Asked if Britain would have the Army capability for any war with Russia in 2018, or 2019, Sir Michael said: “Yes, we would be ready to increase the tempo in that kind of situation, which I don’t immediately foresee.

“And, of course, we will not be doing this on our own.

“We will be doing this as an active member of Nato, and presumably in some kind of Nato scenario.”

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It was ‘too extreme’ to claim that ‘war with Russia is likely next year’, he added.

Sir Michael hoped sending 800 British troops to Estonia would deter aggression in Baltic states that were part of the Soviet Union.

“The whole point of forward deployment to Estonia is to arrange ... an earlier tripwire so the force there doesn’t have to wait for tension to escalate,” he told MPs.

“The force will be there from next spring in any event, in all three of the Baltic states.

“It’s partly reassurance, but it’s also deterrence - to make it very clear to any potential aggressor that Nato is ready to respond.”

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800 British troops will be deployed in all three of the Balkan states from spring

Meanwhile, Chancellor Philip Hammond warned that ‘rogue states’ were trying to target UK infrastructure such as power grids and air traffic control.

His comments came after MI5 director general Andrew Parker warned that Russia ‘is using its whole range of state organs and powers to push its foreign policy abroad in increasingly aggressive ways - involving propaganda, espionage, subversion and cyber-attacks’.

Without naming Russia, the Chancellor highlighted attacks on French broadcaster TV5 Monde and Ukraine’s power grid - both of which security experts have suggested were carried out by Moscow-backed hackers.

Britain ‘must now keep up with the scale and pace of the threats we face’, including those carried out by foreign agents who then try to deny their involvement, said Mr Hammond, as he launched the Government’s new national cyber security strategy.

“The ability to detect, trace and retaliate in kind is likely to be the best deterrent,” Mr Hammond added.

“We will not only defend ourselves in cyberspace, we will strike back in kind when we are attacked.”

Handout Inside Catholic Church Bulletin Says Voting Democratic (Hillary Clinton) Is A 'Mortal Sin' (Snapshot)

Fliers inside a newsletter at a Catholic church in San Diego, United States warned that voting Democratic would result in churchgoers "descending into Hell."

The leaflet was passed out Oct. 16 at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, which doubles as a polling site for the election.

It outlines "how to vote like a Catholic," and shares the political stances of the church on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.

"Based on the above, it is mortal sin to vote Democrat," the handout states. It adds that if not confessed, the act "means eternal damnation."

Oriental Times: Handout Inside Catholic Church Bulletin Says Voting Democratic (Hillary Clinton) Is

Oriental Times: Handout Inside Catholic Church Bulletin Says Voting Democratic (Hillary Clinton) Is

Corruption: If Buhari Can't Arrest Amaechi, He Hasn't Started - Wike

Aba City Blog Saturday, November 05, 2016 Labels: Politics, Rivers State

The Governor Nyesom Wike-led administration in Rivers State, has said that for President Muhammadu Buhari to convince the nation that he is fighting corruption, the state’s former governor and current Transport minister, Rotimi Ameachi must be arrested and be tried over corruption charges.

L-R: Wike & Amaechi
The government spoke in reaction to the allegations made by the state’s All Progressives Congress, APC, chapter, to the effect that Wike and some PDP big wigs, were the ones who asked some judges to indict Amaechi.

Recall that the APC chairman in the state, Davies Ikanya, had accused Wike, Godswill Akpabio, former Akwa Ibom governor; Udom Emmmanuel, incumbent Akwa Ibom governor; and Ifeanyi Okowa of telling judges to allegedly frame Amaechi up.

Two of the Supreme Court judges, John Okoro and Sylvester Ngwuta, whose homes were raided by the operatives of the DSS, had fingered Amaechi, as being responsible for their travails, for allegedly refusing to yield to his (Ameachi) bribe offer, for the purpose of influencing judgments, in two states, in favour of the APC.

Reacting to Ikanya’s statement, Rivers State Information and Communication Commissioner, Austin Tam-George, said, “the attention of the Rivers State Government has been drawn to yet another scurrilous statement by the Rivers State branch of the All Progressives Congress, APC, alleging that Governor Nyesom Wike had a hand in the judicial scandals that have engulfed Mr. Rotimi Amaechi, the minister of transport.

“Governor Wike had refrained from making public comments on this subject, because the people of Rivers State feel sadly vindicated by these latest scandals swirling around the Transport minister. But all the federal anti-corruption agencies have so far treated the serious allegations against Mr. Amaechi with the moral timidity of Lucifer’s wife.

“In the run up to his screening by the Senate for the post of a minister in the federal cabinet in 2015, Nigerians were warned about Mr. Amaechi’s egregious antecedents in public office.

“As governor of Rivers State, Mr. Amaechi left a shameful record of waste and dysfunction. His thoughtless policies and mismanagement of public funds literally broke the economic spine of Rivers State.

“Amaechi’s continuous presence in the federal cabinet is an ugly moral sore, a dark blight on the so-called fight against corruption. Any war against corruption that does not begin with Mr. Amaechi in the dock is a mere fishing expedition,” Tam-George, in a statement, said.