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Tuesday, November 08, 2016
BREAKING: Nnamdi Kanu's Trial Faces Yet Another Hiccup As DSS Files Fresh Charges Against The IPOB Leader

The DSS has for the fourth time filed fresh charges against the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu in a bid to allegedly truncate the ongoing trial and continue to keep him in custody in perpetuity, Oriental Times learnt.

Reacting, IPOB said there is the need to draw the attention of the world to the deliberate and calculated attempt by Buhari and his DSS henchmen to keep delaying their leaders trial.

Their statement reads:

This case was assigned to a new judge, Justice Binta Nyako over a month ago and all processes were filed in court by the defence team and served on the DSS as directed by the judge. However, instead of DSS through the Attorney General to file a counter claim to the bail application before the judge listed for hearing today 8 November 2016, they chose to file fresh charges, so the case will NOT commence today as scheduled. They the DSS and Attorney General had clear 3 weeks to file their amended charge or respond to the affidavit before the court, so the defence lawyers can respond accordingly before the hearing today, but they waited until close of court business yesterday evening 7 November 2016 before serving these new charges, so Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's defence team will have no time to respond to it before the main hearing today.

It should be noted that each time Buhari fails to intimidate a judge or is about to lose this case, he amends or brings a new charge to keep delaying the hearing as a way of keeping Nnamdi Kanu in jail illegally.

IPOB having publically ridiculed all previous charges levelled against our leader in a series of public lectures designed to enlighten the world on the emptiness and impossibility of these charges, the DSS have chosen to choose the option of amendment of charge as a way of truncating the trial because they know they cannot win it. This is fourth time that DSS has brought new charges in this one case.

The world must urgently consider punitive sanctions against Nigeria by suspending all judicial and legal cooperation with the country until this travesty of justice under Buhari is brought to an end. How can DSS and Attorney General be allowed to keep changing and altering charges at the very last minute as a way to continue the illegal detention of innocent people?

Nigeria must know that mankind is watching this case with keen interest from all over the world and today this latest episode of shame by the DSS will be laid bare before the whole world.

Oriental Times: BREAKING: Nnamdi Kanu's Trial Faces Yet Another Hiccup As DSS Files Fresh Charg

Oriental Times: BREAKING: Nnamdi Kanu's Trial Faces Yet Another Hiccup As DSS Files Fresh Charg

Tuesday, November 08, 2016
If I Had Known, I Would Have Rejected My Appointment As Buhari's Aide - Adesina

Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to President Muhammadu Buhari, Mr. Femi Adesina, has claimed that he would have turned down his appointment as the president’s media aide if he had seen it coming.

According to Adesina, his appointment came as surprise to him, adding that he would have done all he could to, perhaps, stop the appointment before his announcement.

Adesina made this disclosure during a feature on Sweet FM’s Flagship programme, The Podium.

“I was not expecting it. Maybe if I knew, I would have done all in my powers to make sure it did not happen,” Adesina said.

“I have known him since he started contesting and wrote good things about him but I did not know he will appoint me as his adviser.”

The Presidential spokesperson also argued that the anti-corruption fight of the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration isn’t a selective one.

He further argued that the president’s cabinet and other APC members are not deliberately being exempted from the anti-corruption fight, adding that no member of Buhari’s cabinet has been indicted in corruption.

“The onus lies on he who alleges to also prove,” he said.

“The fact that any PDP member crosses to APC does not provide automatic shield. Whoever is indicted will be prosecuted.”

“Mr. President has said it all. No one is out to intimidate the judiciary. DSS raid was a raid on corruption not Judiciary,” he said concerning raid on Nigerian judges.

Oriental Times: If I Had Known, I Would Have Rejected My Appointment As Buhari's Aide - Adesina

Oriental Times: If I Had Known, I Would Have Rejected My Appointment As Buhari's Aide - Adesina

Tuesday, November 08, 2016
HAPPENING NOW!!! Nnamdi Kanu: See What Is Going On Now At ECOWAS COURT Abuja

The ECOWAS Court as at 8:48am is yet to commence its court proceedings.

Members of the Indigneous People of Biafra and non members of the Press were asked to stay outside until the court gets set for proceedings.

The presiding Judge Justice Friday Nwodo and Counsels are however not yet present in court.

Oriental Times: HAPPENING NOW!!! Nnamdi Kanu: See What Is Going On Now At ECOWAS COURT Abuja

Oriental Times: HAPPENING NOW!!! Nnamdi Kanu: See What Is Going On Now At ECOWAS COURT Abuja


Ibeh Gift Amarachi reporting for Family Writers

As at 8:48am,the ECOWAS Court has not,commenced its court proceedings.
IPOB Family members and None members of the Press,are asked to stay outside, until the Court gets set for court proceedings.

The presiding judge Justice Friday Nwodo and counsels,are not yet in court.
Family Writers shall bring more report,as it unveils.
Image may contain: indoor

Hillary Preparing to Lose, Cancels Election Night Fireworks
Tsunami of Trump voters could overwhelm attempts to rig election
Kit Daniels - November 7, 2016
Hillary Preparing to Lose, Cancels Election Night Fireworks

Hillary Clinton has cancelled her election night fireworks show in New York, which indicates Donald Trump is starting to win with a tsunami of support the elites can’t stop through vote rigging.

The Clinton campaign had planned a two minute firework display over the Hudson River which would be visible from her election night party in anticipation of her winning the election – but now those plans are over.

The Coast Guard told that the campaign refused to explain why the display was cancelled. TMZ reporters also did not receive a response from the campaign.

“Looks like it’ll be strictly sparklers for Hillary Tuesday night… IF she wins,” TMZ reported.

In related news, the Drudge Report revealed that in Florida, a swing state, Trump is already ahead of Mitt Romney’s 2012 vote count by 130,000 ballots in early voting, and pointed out that Florida Republicans tend to outvote Democrats on Election Day.

Trump is leading in mainstream Florida polls which typically oversample in favor of Democrats.

The populist candidate is likely to pick up traditionally Democratic states on election day, such as New Mexico.

“Trump is now leading Clinton by 5 points in the crossover vote, more Democrats are voting for Trump than Republicans are voting for Clinton,” the Zia poll indicated.

Muslim Invasion: HALF A MILLION cases of SEXUAL ATTACKS in 2015 in Sweden
By Pamela Geller - on November 5, 2016
Sex Slavery in Islam

Incredible! Almost 10% of young women (16-24) reported some kind of sexual assault last year alone! And in the Swedish article below, it says that 29 % of the cases were more severe forms of assault (such as rape). The rest is everything from indecent exposure to groping. Of course, when asked about it, one of the investigators said that they couldn’t say what the cause was, and that they could just confirm the numbers.

A nation that sacrifices its young has no future. This is rampant across Europe — not to mention the million of girls sex trafficked by Muslim sex gangs in the UK.

And Hillary has vowed to increase the importation of Muslim migrants by 550%.

There is no rational explanation why elites would import invaders who would destroy a nation. But that is exactly what is happening, and we, the people, must push back.
These sexual attacks are sanctioned in Islamic texts and teachings.

The seizure of Infidel girls and their use as sex slaves is sanctioned in the Qur’an. According to Islamic law, Muslim men can take “captives of the right hand” (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 33:5. The Qur’an says: “O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have paid their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses of those whom Allah has given you as spoils of war” (33:5. 4:3 and 4:24 extend this privilege to Muslim men in general. The Qur’an says that a man may have sex with his wives and with these slave girls: “The believers must win through, those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or whom their right hands possess, for they are free from blame.” (Qur’an 23:1-6) (source Robert Spencer)

The rape of captive women is also sanctioned in Islamic tradition:

Abu Sirma said to Abu Sa’id al Khadri (Allah he pleased with him): 0 Abu Sa’id, did you hear Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) mentioning al-’azl? He said: Yes, and added: We went out with Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi’l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing ‘azl (Withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid conception). But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah’s Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), and he said: It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born. (Sahih Muslim 3371)

It is also in Islamic law: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled.” (Umdat al-Salik O9.13)

More and more women say they are victims of sexual crimes. New figures from the National Council shows that 480 000 events affected Swedish women in 2015. That is more than any previous year.

In a new study says three percent of the women that they were subjected to some form of sexual offenses in 2015. The corresponding figure last year was just under two percent.

Most vulnerable are women aged 16-24 years. Among the young women, nine percent said they were subjected during the last year.

The figures come from an interim report of the National Crime Survey (NTU), the National Crime Prevention Council (BRA) have published.

480 000 sexbrott mot kvinnor i Sverige – på ett år
Sverige & Världen Torsdag 16.46, uppdaterad Torsdag 16.55

Allt fler kvinnor säger sig vara utsatta för sexualbrott. Nya siffror från Brå visar att 480 000 händelser drabbade svenska kvinnor under 2015. Det är fler än något tidigare år.

I en ny undersökning säger tre procent av de tillfrågade kvinnorna att de utsattes för någon form av sexualbrott under 2015. Motsvarande siffra året innan var knappt två procent.

Mest utsatta är kvinnor i åldrarna 16–24 år. Bland de unga kvinnorna uppgav nio procent att de utsattes under förra året.

Siffrorna kommer från en delrapport av Nationella trygghetsundersökningen (NTU), som Brottsförebyggande rådet (Brå) har publicerat.



By Onyebuchi Eze (Nnamdi Kanu Disciple)

For Family Writers

The expectation of the world is very high at the moment as the date for the delivery of verdict of ECOWAS court on the case between Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO and the federal government of Nigeria is just less than 24 hours. It could be recalled that the ECOWAS court formerly billed to give its ruling on 4th October but due to absence of lawyers representing government of Nigeria, adjourned the ruling on the case to November 8 which is barely 24 hours. Now the whole world may have shifted their attention from Nigeria municipal federal high court where all sorts of judicial rascality had been perpetrated by Nigeria judicial officers under the influence of Nigeria maximum ruler, Gen Muhammadu Buhari to ECOWAS court where both local and international observers and followers of the case believed that unbendable justice will only be obtained. ECOWAS court has given enough respect to government of Nigeria which has flagrantly fail to reciprocate the respect towards the sub-regional court as Nigeria government in many occasions refused to be present or be represented in the court even questioned the jurisdiction of the court to hear the case in the first place.

Now that the ECOWAS court has billed to give its incorruptible, unbiased, unbendable and unquestionable justice through its verdict come November 8, the eyes of the whole universe is fastened on ECOWAS court. As it is already obvious that Nigeria government which many people have nick-named 'CORRUPTION' is no more afraid to approach anybody, any organization, any institution or even any government within and outside Africa, with bribes against Biafra restoration, will the ECOWAS court become the next institution that Nigeria government will approach with bribe in order to compromise them against Biafra? November 8 ruling of the ECOWAS court is going to be the answer to this 1 million question as we are going to cross our fingers in observation as things unfold. However, I want ECOWAS court to know that the hammer of the MOTHER JUSTICE which is falling on Nigeria judiciary presently is as a result of accumulation of travesty of Justice been perpetrated by Nigeria judges against Nnamdi Kanu. Nigeria judges, especially Justice Tsoho converted Nigeria courts as platform for travesty and now facing the nemesis which is anchored on invasion, intimidation, arrest, detention, molestation and humiliation of the High court, Appeal court and Supreme court Judges in Nigeria. Voices from different parts of the world are shouting "IT IS NOVEMBER 8 OR NEVER FOR JUSTICE IN ECOWAS COURT". Will ECOWAS court still be intimidated by the corrupt might of Nigeria government? It is only ECOWAS court that will answer the question. But as for me and every Biafran and lovers of freedom, we are all joining voices with the rest of the world to say that "IT IS NOVEMBER 8 OR NEVER FOR JUSTICE IN ECOWAS COURT".

Any other adjournment of the ruling of the case will be tantamount to delayal of justice which Nnamdi Kanu sought for in ECOWAS court as it has become obvious that there is no Justice in Nigeria municipal court. Hon Justice Adeniyi Ademola stood for justice and now been witch-hunted due his incorruptibility by Nigeria maximum ruler, Gen Muhammadu Buhari. Will ECOWAS court allow the canckerworm of corruption in Nigeria judiciary to also infiltrate them? God forbid! If this happens, Africa will sink into judicial abyss and become a jungle of anarchy. I want to use this opportunity to call on ECOWAS, Africa Union and International community at large to be on alert in forcing Nigeria to comply and obey the rulings of the international court. It will be a serious ridicule to judicial process in Africa and the world if Nigeria government continue to disobey even international courts as its failed to release Col Sambo Dasuki as ECOWAS court ordered since more then one month ago. The world must know that it is one thing for a court whether domestic or international, to give verdict and another thing for it to be obeyed. I rest my case.

Nigerian Banks To Start Losing Money – Bloomberg
November 7, 2016 Business

According to a Bloomberg report, Nigerian banks may start losing money from the next quarter following the protracted forex issues in the country.

While other sectors have been hit by a substantial loss in income and profit, banks had been faring okay.

According to the report, it is believed that some of the banks benefited from the last naira devaluation because they had more dollar-denominated assets than liabilities, allowing them to book gains, said Ronak Gadhia, an equity analyst at London-based Exotix Partners LLP.

The analysts said the last part of the year would be tougher, especially if the country continues to hold the naira, he added. “I think we’ll see a weaker quarter for the banks,” he said.

“It seems that after making positive moves on the currency in June, the central bank has gone back on that, so the revaluation gains probably won’t recur in the fourth quarter,’’ said Gadhia.

Philippine President Duterte Orders to Cancel Arms Deal With US

© REUTERS/ Kim Kyung-Hoon Asia & Pacific 12:24 07.11.2016(updated 14:38 07.11.2016) Get short URL 234261842

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered to cancel an arms deal with the United States on Monday. Duterte cancelled the deal on the purchase of police rifles from the US amid tensions with Washington over US' accusations of human rights violations in the Philippines. "We will not insist on buying expensive arms from the United States. We can always get them somewhere else. I am ordering the police to cancel it. We don't need them," Duterte said in a televised speech as quoted by Reuters. Duterte added that the Philippines will look for another supplier of rifles that would be cheaper and as "maybe as durable and as good as those made in the place we are ordering them." Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) shake hands after a signing ceremony held in Beijing, China, October 20, 2016 © REUTERS/ Ng Han Guan/Pool Chinese-Philippine Cooperation is a 'Signal of Beijing Outperforming US in the Asia-Pacific' Earlier this month, the US State Department halted the sale of 26,000 assault rifles to the Philippines amid growing human rights concerns over Manila's crackdown on the country's illegal drug trade. The incident is the latest in a series of events that have increased tensions between Washington and Manila. Duterte reacted angrily to US' criticism of his hardline anti-drugs policy, telling US President Barack Obama to "go to hell" and threatening to break ties between the longstanding allies. Members of the Philippine-US marine corps stand at attention with the Philippine and American flags during the Philippines-US amphibious landing exercise (PHIBLEX) closing ceremony inside the Philippine Marines headquarters in Taguig city, metro Manila, Philippines October 11, 2016 © REUTERS/ Romeo Ranoco US Expects Philippines to Honor Alliance Commitments Despite Harsh Rhetoric During a visit to China last month, Duterte announced that he wanted a "separation" from the US, calling for all US troops to leave the Philippines within the next two years. The tensions also come as the Philippines improves its relations with China, leading to speculation that Manila may be set for a foreign policy shift away from Washington and toward Beijing.

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Widgets Magazine

Widgets Magazine

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered to cancel an arms deal with the United States on Monday.

Monday, November 07, 2016
GBAGAM!!! Niger Delta Existed Before Nigeria, We Have Where To Go - Briggs Thrashes Buhari Over

A former Minister for Environment and Niger Delta Activist, Annkio Briggs has berated President Muhammadu Buhari over his comment during a meeting with leaders of the Niger Delta region.

Buhari had said “anyone who has another country is free to leave.”

Reacting to Buhari’s comment at a meeting with Pan-Niger Delta Forum at Abuja, the former Minister stated that the oil rich region existed before Nigeria, as such have a place to go.

Describing Buhari’s comment as offensive and unwarranted, Briggs said, “It is a pity, sad and offensive for Mr. President to make such statement as at no point during the meeting did the group raise such issue of anyone leaving Nigeria.

“The comment shows very clear the level of insensitivity and mindset of the government towards the people of the Niger Delta. The government should know that we had Ijaw land just as other ethnicities like Itsekiri, Urhobo and others have their lands before the existence of the Nigeria state.

“When the Lamido Adamawa, Alhaji Muhammadu Barkindo Mustapha told his fellow delegates during the 2014 National Conference under President Goodluck Jonathan that him and his people are prepared to secede from Nigeria to Cameroon if the country disintegrates, President Jonathan did not make counter remarks against them.

“So how can anyone tell us to leave? We existed before Nigeria, hence they should know that I have Ijaw land to go to if I choose to.”

Oriental Times: GBAGAM!!! Niger Delta Existed Before Nigeria, We Have Where To Go - Briggs Thrashes

Oriental Times: GBAGAM!!! Niger Delta Existed Before Nigeria, We Have Where To Go - Briggs Thrashes