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Will Trump and Putin Allow Israel to Lead in the Middle East?
Micha Gefen
November 17, 2016

With Donald Trump’s win beginning to sink in across the international community, one thing is becoming clear, the Donald will ultimately seek a positive working relationship Russia’s Putin. Of course, the failing EU doesn’t like this and nor does the antiquated NATO, but Donald Trump and many others rightly believe that Russia can be a tremendous ally in stabilizing the world and fighting radical Islam.

Look for an agreement or understanding with Russia soon after Donald Trump is sworn in on demarcating unofficial spheres of influence for the two superpowers. As always, Russia views its former satellites under the Soviet Union as part of its great sphere of influence. The Donald will not argue. The complicated part of this will be the Middle East, which to put it bluntly is pretty much becoming a massive version of Mogadishu circa 1993.

Most likely they will form a joint task force to manage Iraq, while handing over Syria to Russia. The dispute will be on Iran, which Putin has masterfully backed as a pawn against American adventurism. Putin being the consummate chess player may find it advantageous to eventually jettison the Ayatollahs. However this won’t happen right away.

Will Israel be Recognized as the Regional Leader it Already Is?

One country that both Putin and Trump see as the great stabilizer in the region is Israel. Putin has already pushed back on Hezbollah and Iran using Syria to attack Israel’s North and under Trump the USA is finally set to move its embassy to Jerusalem. Both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have little patience for primitive Arab squabbles as the region burns and have increasingly learned to rely on Israel’s technology and advanced intelligence gathering systems.

Does this mean that the days of gloom and doom when it comes to Israel are over? Not at all, but what it does mean is the New New World Order being crafted between the USA, Russia, and China will more than likely rely heavily on Israel’s know-how, resilience, and stability in an increasingly chaotic environment.

Rheumatism, Diabetes, Hypertension and Cancer; how the “ornamental” plant known as MASQUERADE TREE comes in

Rheumatism, Diabetes, Hypertension and Cancer; how  the “ornamental” plant known as MASQUERADE T

Rheumatism, Diabetes, Hypertension and Cancer; how the “ornamental” plant known as MASQUERADE T

The Land of Israel is Indivisible
Yehuda HaKohen
November 18, 2016

The most unbelievable example of Avraham’s loyalty to the Kadosh Barukh Hu is universally understood to be the episode of the Akeidah. Here Avraham is commanded to bring his son Yitzḥak to the future Temple Mount and slaughter him there as an offering to HaShem. It is difficult to imagine a person prepared to sacrifice the son for whom he had waited his entire life. But it is precisely here that we clearly see the Hebrew patriarch submit his entire will to his love for – and dedication to – HaShem’s Ideal for this world.

Our Sages question, however, why the Kadosh Barukh Hu would even command the Hebrew patriarch to perform such an act – an act that would not only cost Avraham his son but also undermine the message he had been promoting for decades. In a society rife with idolaters sacrificing children to false gods, the repudiation of child sacrifice was central to the Hebrew creed. Why was it necessary for HaShem to put His most loyal and passionate servant through such a painful test?

With the Akeidah, Avraham performed a profound act of tshuva m’ahava(return/atonement from love). This tshuva was necessary for his transgression of forging a covenant with King Avimelekh of Grar. In that treaty, Avraham had agreed to cede portions of Eretz Yisrael to a foreign people in exchange for a number of generations free from conflict.

“And it happened after these things that G-D tested Avraham and said to him, ‘Avraham,’ and he replied, ‘Here I am.’” (BEREISHIT 22:1)

According to the Rashbam, the phrase “after these things” refers to the events of the previous verses. Avraham’s agreement with Avimelekh was in opposition to HaShem’s plan because the Land of Israel had been specifically designed for Avraham’s offspring, who would later be commanded to free it from foreign rule. The descendants of Avimelekh would ultimately use Avraham’s treaty in order to thwart the Hebrew Nation’s conquest of Eretz Yisrael (see Rashi on SHMUEL II 5:6). Therefore, the Kadosh Barukh Hu aggrieved our patriarch (rendering nisa as “aggrieved” instead of “tested”) with so distressing a trial as if to say “You became haughty because I gave you a son, and you went so far as to make a treaty between your descendants and theirs. Now sacrifice that son and see what value your treaty will have.”

In Mesillat Yesharim, Rabbi Moshe Ḥaim Lutzatto concurs with the Rashbam’s understanding, explaining that the binding of Yitzḥak was an act of tshuva for the transgression of relinquishing portions of Eretz Yisrael. Avraham’s appropriate response to this sin was his readiness to sacrifice that which was most precious to him in accordance with HaShem’s command. With this Avraham proved his complete loyalty to the Kadosh Barukh Hu.

“Now I know that you are a G-D fearing man, since you have not withheld your son, your only one, from Me.” (BEREISHIT 22:12)

Our Sages teach, “How great is repentance out of love, for even intentional sins are transformed into merits.” Indeed, once Avraham repented at the Akeidah (Yoma 86b), he merited for HaShem to swear:

“Because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only one, that I shall surely bless you and greatly increase your offspring like the stars of the heavens and like the sand on the seashore; and your offspring shall inherit the gate of its enemy. And all the nations of the earth shall bless themselves by your offspring, because you have listened to My voice.” (BEREISHIT 22:16-18)

While a deep understanding of events allows us to appreciate how Avraham’s transgression provided the opportunity for him to ascend incredible heights through an unbelievable act of tshuva, it is also important to recognize that Avraham had only the purest intentions when consenting to the treaty with Avimelekh of Grar.

Peace is a treasured ideal that the descendants of Avraham must continuously strive for, both in our personal lives and in our collective national life. Israel is destined to be HaShem’s instrument in leading mankind to an era of Shalom – a goal so lofty that it is even included as one of G-D’s Names. In order to lead the world to Shalom, however, Israel must first understand what this goal actually is and how to practically bring about its complete realization. It therefore becomes necessary to shed the superficial contemporary definitions of peace in order to properly learn the Torah concept of Shalom.

True Shalom cannot be obtained through egoistic motivations of honor, wealth or self-interest (as would be the case in defining it as the mere absence of war). Nor can it be achieved through people who seek to impose their will on others (such as an oppressor nation forcing its values on indigenous populations at the expense of that population’s traditional culture). True peace can never be acquired by rejecting the claims of other peoples. It can only be achieved when leaders are motivated by altruistic goals firmly rooted in Emunah that allow them to recognize the unique beauty and truth within all of the differing opinions and movements so that they can all be elevated as crucial components of HaShem’s ultimate design for the world.

The Hebrew Nation is Divinely commanded to be sovereign over the entire Land of Israel. It is through this earthly political sovereignty that HaShem’s blessing flows into our world, nourishing and uplifting all of existence as we know it. For the sake of mankind and the fulfillment of our destiny, Am Yisrael must safeguard our connection to Eretz Yisrael. Any infringement of Hebrew sovereignty over our borders would essentially be a war on HaShem’s Will for Creation. If another people were to insist on fulfilling its national aspirations in Eretz Yisrael, that people’s spiritual compass would be off course and its conscious national will not yet aligned with HaShem’s. As Rashi explains regarding the first verse of our Torah, the Kadosh Barukh Hu assigned the Land of Israel to the Nation of Israel. While one of Israel’s key functions in this world is to ultimately assist each people in expressing its inner essence and reaching its full potential in harmoniously contributing to the international community, it is crucial to remain aware that any national aspirations that contradict our Torah are actually external to that people’s inner essence and not a legitimate expression of its historic purpose.

It is Israel’s mission to bring our world towards the recognition of HaShem as the timeless ultimate Reality without end and the active Force behind all nations, movements, ideologies and events. By recognizing the Divine inner fabric of existence, Shalom can be achieved through aligning all of Creation with the Kadosh Barukh Hu’s all-encompassing plan. As the heart of humanity, Israel is to direct all nations and movements so that each may be uplifted to find its proper place, expression and function within HaShem’s Divine blueprint for the story of man. Shalom is achieved, not by suppressing parts of the whole, but rather when all the various forces that seem to contradict are allowed to express their fullest and purest inner essence, all under the unifying canopy of a more inclusive Divine Truth.

With or Without Trump, Israel May Have Already Checkmated Iran
Orit ben Tzvi
November 19, 2016
Arak, Iran is within 1,000 km of Azerbaijan - Google Maps

Over the past few years there has been a lot of chatter on Israel-Azerbaijan relations and what it could mean in terms of a possible attack strategy against Iran. Azerbaijan shares a border with Iran and also strangely as it sounds happens to be an ally of Israel, despite being a Muslim state. 40% of Israel’s oil is said to be provided by Azerbaijan via the Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhancom (BTC) pipeline. Israel supplies state of the art weaponry to Azerbaijan in its off again on again war with Armenian separatists.

Over the last few years rumors have spread that Israel has a secret staging ground for a potential attack on Iran. Although never confirmed by Israel or Azerbaijan, information about a secret airbase in Southern Azerbaijan was leaked to the media in 2012 via Foreign Policy:

In 2009, the deputy chief of mission of the U.S. embassy in Baku, Donald Lu, sent a cable to the State Department’s headquarters in Foggy Bottom titled “Azerbaijan’s discreet symbiosis with Israel.” The memo, later released by WikiLeaks, quotes Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev as describing his country’s relationship with the Jewish state as an iceberg: “nine-tenths of it is below the surface.” Why does it matter? Because Azerbaijan is strategically located on Iran’s northern border and, according to several high-level sources I’ve spoken with inside the U.S. government, Obama administration officials now believe that the “submerged” aspect of the Israeli-Azerbaijani alliance — the security cooperation between the two countries — is heightening the risks of an Israeli strike on Iran. . . . “The Israelis have bought an airfield,” a senior administration official told me in early February, “and the airfield is called Azerbaijan.”

The republicans quickly blamed the Obama administration for the leak, which was never confirmed or denied by White House.

Since the Iran deal this sort of chatter has quieted down, but the Israel-Azerbaijan relationship keeps growing stronger giving Israel a back door to not only attack Iran, but essentially use its advanced drone technology to learn how close Iran is to building a bomb or launch it. The assumption in international circles is that Israel was preparing an attack from Azerbaijan using planes. Yet, with Israel being in possession of some of the most advanced drones in the world, any attack could take place on Israel’s predetermined timeline and in stealth mode.

The map below shows that Azerbaijan to Arak, Iran where its heavy water plant is situated is within the 1,000 km range of the IAI Harop which is designed to auto detonate when it hits a target. Israel could conceivably use a few of them to destroy the nuclear facilities at Arak.

Arak, Iran is within 1,000 km of Azerbaijan – Google Maps

So whether or not Donald Trump is able to roll back Iran’s nuclear program, Israel may have used the passage of the Iran deal to quietly prepare its own solution to the ayatollah’s

Last Remaining Neighborhood in Muslim Quarter No Longer Off-Limits to Jews
David Mark
November 21, 2016

It may not seem large, but the small Jewish property recently renovated is the first such reacquisition in this part of the Muslim quarter since Arab rioters forced Jews out in the 1920’s. With its low ceilings and shared coutyard with the neighboring Arab family, the new/old property already hosts yeshiva boys. Unlike other reacquired properties, the newest one is considered a direct security risk for those who have dared to move in.


That has not deterred Jerusalem’s modern day pioneers from pushing forward and filling of the property with the new move culminating in a prayer session within the ancient ceilings.

First Mincha minyan in the most recently-reclaimed Jewish-owned house in the Old City of Jerusalem!

Posted by Ben Packer on Sunday, November 20, 2016

In recent months those who ventured to check on the property met with violence from locakl Arabs as gangs of Arab youth often times threw rocks, even injuring one young Jewish student. Other times they threatened to kill and maim those who dared to walk down their streets. The neighborhood is known as such a violent area that even Israeli border police don’t venture there. After today that all changed. With new Jewish residents, Israeli security forces are obligated to protect the residents ensuring their safety.

“It was the last remaining area of the Old City that was off-limits to Jews – no longer. Now Jews can walk proudly through every alley!” states Rabbi Ben Packer of the Heritage House.

Posted by Ben Packer on Sunday, November 20, 2016

“We Are Coming Nineveh” Obama Must Win in Mosul or Donald Trump Will Do it For Him
Micha Gefen
November 21, 2016

Legacies are bitter weapons that plague outgoing presidents time and time again. Barack Obama thought he had his legacy wrapped up, but then came the blue color workers and placed Donald Trump into office. With one election Obama’s legacy is in tatters and he knows it. Despite all of that, there is one last battle Obama needs and wants to win to stave off a complete rejection of his so far disastrous foreign policy. This battle is the battle of Mosul, where ISIS is making there last stand as far as nation building is going.

Despite a bitter beginning of infighting between Shiite militias, Turkish troops, Kurdish Peshmerga, and Iraqi National forces, the operation according the Iraqi officials is beginning to move along. “We Are Coming Nineveh” has a time limit though and that is Jan. 20th. Right now Obama has kept the Russians out of the bombing campaign and wants to prove he doesn’t need them to finish the job. If Mosul is not taken by inauguration day, Trump will surely bring the Russians in to crush ISIS once and for all.

Why does this matter?

Obama has staked his foreign policy at least in the waning years of his Presidency on holding off Russian expansion. Of course Putin has bested him in Eastern Europe as well as Syria. This means Obama must keep him out of Iraq or risk being seen as a total loser. With Mosul grinding on and 60 days until President-Elect Trump becomes President Trump, the odds are not great that the Iraqi forces will succeed. Keep in mind ISIS could have been defeated a while ago, but each side fighting in Iraq has used the group as a pawn to offset what they see as a more mortal enemy.

This is why Trump’s approach is to ignore the game on the ground and get together with Putin and flatten ISIS and if need be others.

Jan. 20th is coming. After that date Iraq and Operation “We Are Coming Nineveh” are on the chopping block.

Obama Does Not Plan on Stepping Down
Allan M. Coleman
November 21, 2016

After January 20th Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, but that won’t stop Barack Hussein Obama from stepping in to course correct the Trump administration if needed.

Real Clear Politics reports:

At a press conference Sunday in Lima the president said he does not believe he will be the last Democratic president, for a while, and made no promise to not speak up if he feels it to be “helpful” and “necessary” for him to comment on President-elect Trump’s proposals.

“Look, I said before, President Bush could not have been more gracious to me when I came in and my intention is to certainly for the next two months, finish my job and after that to take Michelle on vacation, get some rest, spend time with my girls and do some writing, some thinking,” Obama said in Peru.

“I want to be respectful of the office and give the president-elect an opportunity to put forward his platform and his arguments without somebody popping off in every instance,” Obama said.

“As an American citizen who cares deeply about our country, if there are issues that have less to do with the specifics of some legislative proposal but go to core questions about our values and our ideals, and if I think that it is necessary or helpful for me to defend those ideals, I’ll examine it when it comes,” the president said.

The fact is, the stage is being set for Obama to be in permanent president mode. In a sense he will be more powerful without the shackles of law to hold his bully pulpit. The media will back his statements and 50% of the country will view Obama as the real leader no matter who sits in the White House. Times are changing. Two Americas will unfortunately be forced to duke it out.

Take a look at the video from the interchange:

Russia Advances Missiles Into the Heart of Europe as NATO Tensions Rise
Orit ben Tzvi
November 22, 2016

If people thought the tension that has been growing between NATO and Russia would begin to fizzle once Donald Trump won the election think again. In a move that threatens to destablize Eastern Europe, Russia’s President Putin has moved S-400 surface-to-air missiles and nuclear-capable Iskander ballistic missiles to Kaliningrad. Kalingrad is part of Russia that is detatched from the rest of Russia. With the Baltic Sea to its north it shares borders with Poland and Lithuania.

A Google Map shows the location of Russia’s Kaliningrad exclave (red marker), sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea coast. GOOGLE MAPS

With NATO growing both adventurous in moving forces close to the Russian border as well as on edge over Trump’s disregard with the necessity of NATO, Russia was seemingly compelled to act. After all NATO’s own self preservation may lead it to do some pretty ill advised actions such as ratcheting pressure on its Eastern front. For his part, Putin’s advance is on one hand a deterrent, but on the other hand a preparation for a post Obama world where facts on the ground will have influence on what may be a very different relationship between America and Russia.

Putin himself had this to say in a documentary taped a few weeks about Ukraine and scheduled to air this week:

“Why are we reacting to NATO expansion so emotionally? We are concerned by NATO’s decision making. What should we do? We have, therefore, to take countermeasures, which means to target with our missile systems the facilities, that, in our opinion, start posing a threat to us.”

What Will NATO Do?

With Turkey threatening to bolt and deal with China, Russia moving west, and President-Elect Donald Trump looking to cut NATO free, it is no wonder the EU is considering building an army of its own. More than likely is the direct possibility of what’s left of NATO and the EU army forming a single entity. That being said there is tremendous financial gain, power, and prestige still found in NATO. Don’t expect those forces to stand down as Russia reasserts its dominance.

A Tiny Minority of a Million Muslims in America
Daniel Greenfield
November 22, 2016

The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) is boasting that its voter registration campaign “One Million Voters” across mosques and schools has doubled the number of registered Muslim voters to over a million.

The media is cheering this development even though USCMO has a history that makes the KKK look downright sunny. USCMO was in the news last year for its statement denying the Muslim genocide of Armenians and arguing that any recognition of the massacre must also recognize “Muslim suffering.”

USCMO’s Secretary General Oussama Jammal had engaged in 9/11 Trutherism at a rally backing a Hamas supporter. He was president of the Bridgeview Mosque which raised money for the head of Islamic Jihad. The Chicago Tribune described this as the result of a “hard line” takeover of the mosque.

The Bridgeview mosque had been interlinked with the Islamic Association for Palestine which had been set up by the Muslim Brotherhood and featured Hamas operatives such as Mousa Abu Marzook. Jammal had received a “Mosque of the Year” award from KindHearts, a terror charity that was shut down for its ties to Hamas.

Jammal had blamed the Jews for the government’s actions, claiming that there was a “Zionist agenda” at work.

The US Council of Muslim Organizations includes American Muslims for Palestine; an anti-Israel hate group headed by the notorious campus bigot Hatem Bazian. AMP is openly supportive of Hamas terror. Its national campus coordinator has said that, “Hamas’ rockets are an oppressed people’s audible cry for help.” At one of its conferences, there was a lecture on how to “navigate the fine line between legal activism and material support for terrorism.” Its Vice President defended Islamic terrorism.

Along with AMP, USCMO’s founding members include CAIR, an unindicted terror co-conspirator in terror finance. It also includes ICNA, whose former secretary general was convicted of Islamic war crimes by Bangladesh’s International Crimes Tribunal. Some of the victims of Islamic terror had their eyes gouged out, hearts removed and their breasts cut off by of the student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami.

The monster had written in ICNA’s convention program that Muslims “have a culture and civilization which once ruled the world and still has the viability to rule the world again.”

The ICNA Member’s Hand Book insists that Islam has to be made “a way of life for all.” Under “Goal,” its charter declares, “The goal of ICNA shall be to seek the pleasure of Allah through the struggle for Iqamat-ud-Deen (establishment of the Islamic system of life) as spelled out in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad.” The hand book calls for the establishment of an Islamic State.

Like ISIS, this will be a Caliphate governed by the everyday horror of Sharia law.

Registering a million Muslims to vote is a means to that end. The end is the Islamic State of the Caliphate. And that would mean the end of America.

Next on the list of Founding Members for USCMO is the Muslim Alliance in North America. MANA was co-founded by Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing.

Siraj Wahhaj is also a board member of USCMO.

Wahhaj insisted that America would fall unless it “accepts the Islamic agenda.” He called for taking over the United States and replacing it with a Caliphate. “If we were united and strong… we’d elect our own emir and give allegiance to him…. if 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us.”

Registering a million Muslims would certainly be a step in that direction. And Wahhaj had been rather clear that involvement in politics is a war against America. “You don’t get involved in politics because it’s the American thing to do. You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam.” The one million Muslim voter registrations should be seen as a weapon in the cause of Islam.

A weapon aimed at America. Islam is a gun that kills freedom.

“In time, democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing, and the only thing that will remain will be Islam,” Wahhaj has declared.

The question is whether we really are ready to allow Muslim colonists to crumble our democracy and replace it with an Islamic State of slavery, oppression and Muslim Supremacism.

Another Founding Member of USCMO is the Muslim American Society which was described by federal prosecutors as “as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” It called Osama bin Laden “a visionary who believed in the possibility of an Islamic state in Afghanistan.”

How many of USCMO’s Muslims believe in the possibility of an Islamic state in America?

USCMO’s board includes Siraj Wahhaj who has been forthright about his goal of an Islamic takeover. Also on the board is CAIR’s Nihad Awad who has said, “I am in support of the Hamas movement.”

AMP’s Osama Abu Irshaid, another Hamas supporter, also sits on the board. Then there’s Mazen Mokhtar who had been accused of soliciting funds for Al Qaeda. He also claimed that Hamas terrorism is “heroic.” Khalil Meek of the Muslim Legal Fund of America was the spokesman for a coalition defending the Holy Land Foundation which was convicted of funding Hamas’ campaign of racist Islamic terror against Jews.

USCMO is claiming credit for the mass Muslim voter registration. We like to believe that Muslims who support the kind of views you have read above are merely a tiny minority of extremists. It would be rather grim if the millions of Muslim settlers living in this country really do want to overthrow our free society and replace it with an Islamic State in which non-Muslims and women lose their civil rights.

And yet, if such views really represent only a tiny minority of extremists, why do such huge numbers of Muslims allow themselves to be represented by these extremists? Either these million Muslims are willing to let the “extremists” call the shots or they agree with them. And in that case the tiny minority becomes a growing majority. And that growing majority is a threat to the United States of America.

When Islamist groups that seek to overthrow America boast of doubling Muslim voter registrations, that’s not a triumph for democracy. It is, as some of USCMO’s Islamists have said, a threat to it.

Donald Trump, Naftali Bennett, and the End of the Two-State “Solution”
Micha Gefen
November 22, 2016

In a perfect world, Bibi would be in deep conversations with the incoming Trump administration on how best to put the two state solution in the garbage bin. For Bibi Netanyahu the availed leader of Israel and nemesis of Obama and the EU, the status quo despite its road to nowhere is a far more digestible situation. Yet, Bibi with all of his political prowess and especially astute understanding of the USA has not fully digested the Donald Trump victory.

In steps Naftali Bennett, the Minister of Education and the widely successful entrepreneur turned right wing leader. His position as the head of Jewish Home may not be interesting to Americans, but he represents the future of Israel, which if the current trajectory holds will be led by knitted kippa wearing nationalists who are busy playing the part that the secular kibbutzniks played before the creation of the state.

Naftali Bennett and the National Religious Camp are fast becoming the predominant force in Israel and it was with this feeling of destiny that Bennett reached out to a few of Donald Trump’s associates on the need to get rid of the Two State “Solution.” After all, Trump is more than the president to be, he is a revolution and earthquake in the world order. For an Israel constrained by the bygones of Oslo and State Department Arabism as well as Neo-Conservative control, Trump represents the possibility to reach peace without jettisoning Israel’s Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria.

Most Americans assume that Israel is in love with the Oslo accords, but as most of the Israeli street knows, since the Oslo Accords 1000’s of Israelis have been killed and in the same space of time more and more communities have been built in Judea and Samaria. Young religious Zionists have grown into maturity and taken the reigns of power. With the “Palestinian” Arabs showing no signs of coming to terms with even one Jew living in the Land of Israel, alternative solutions to Oslo are a must.

This is where Bennett’s outreach to Trump lies. If Trump really is the anti-globalist President to be, then he understands the need to move on from a conflict entirely manufactured by globalist ambitions in the Levant. It is in fact the globalists embedded in Foggy Bottom and Brussels that have rewritten the Jewish people’s narrative to exclude them from meaningful attachment to their homeland. For these Arabists, Israel is Palestine and those poor Arabs that found themselves there 100 years ago have really been there the whole time. Trump understands this is make-believe and it is the Jews that have been their continuous for thousands of years. He understands that for America to be strong it must support a complete reconstituted Israel. This is in order to offset the globalist plan to detach humanity from the Almighty. To do that Soros and his ilk know they must remove the obvious miracle of the Jewish people’s return to their Land. If there are no miracles, there is no active G-d as far as they are concerned.

Trump and his advisers including Bannon know that the future lies with an Israel that is strong, independent, and in complete control of its Divinely ordained boundaries. The faster Bibi gets this, the faster Israel will find true peace.

Below is one solution offered. There are many others.