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Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch makes a fascinating statement about the Jewish Moshiach (Messiah), Russia, and Istanbul
Jan 05, 2016
by admin in JEWS IN THE NEWS

Rav Shternbuch received a closely guarded secret that came to him from Rabbi Yitzchak Chever zatza”l, who received it from Rabbi Chaim of Volozhyn zatza”l, who received it from the Gaon of Vilna himself, who revealed it shortly before his death: “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople (today’s Istanbul), you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don’t take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute.” – See more at:

Lazer Beams: Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch: We Hear the Footsteps of Moshiach

Last week it was the Gerrer Rebbe. More of our spiritual leaders are talking about Moshiach and Geula, especially with the new month of Nissan - the month of Geula - beginning tomorrow night. Grand Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch of the...

Jewish prophecy suggests Messiah may be coming soon
Monday, November 21, 2011 | Ryan Jones

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A medieval Jewish prophecy regarding the coming of Israel's Messiah appears to correspond to the current situation in the Middle East, Israel National News reported at the weekend.

A piece of rabbinic literature known as the Yalkut Shimoni touches on many future scenarios both for the nation of Israel and for the world. In its section on the biblical Book of Isaiah and the prophecies contained therein, a rabbi cited by the Yalkut Shimoni states:

"In the year in which the Messiah-King appears, all the nations of the world are provoking each other. The King of Persia provokes an Arab king and the Arab king turns to Aram for advice."

That description closely mirrors Iran's defiant nuclear program and the tension it is creating with Arab states, particularly Saudi Arabia. But what happens next? According to the Yalkut Shimoni:

"The King of Persia goes back and destroys the entire world. And all the nations of the world are in panic and distress and they fall upon their faces and are seized with pains like those of a woman giving birth..."

A recent report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that Iran is working on nuclear weapons and that it could probably field such weapons in no more than a year's time. That means diplomatic efforts have failed, and barring a dangerous preemptive strike by Israel and/or America, Iran will obtain nuclear weapons.

Many in the West are now focusing their efforts on downplaying the dangers of a nuclear Iran. They argue that just as the Soviet Union did not use its nuclear weapons against the West, so, too, will Iran show restraint. But such commentaries fail to take into account the deeply ingrained religious ideology of those who rule Iran, who see themselves as the instruments of Allah in ushering in a new golden age for Islam.

What does all this mean for Israel, assuming the Yalkut Shimoni is accurate? The text reads:

"...and Israel are in panic and distress and asking 'where shall we go? Where shall we go?,' and He says to them 'my sons, do not fear; all that I have done, I have done only for you. Why are you afraid? Do not fear, your time of redemption has come, and the final redemption is not like the first redemption, because the first redemption was followed by sorrow and servitude under other kingdoms, but the final redemption is not followed by sorrow and servitude under other kingdoms."

Israel is indeed already showing signs of that panic and distress. Over the past month, Israel has been engaged in tense public debate over whether or not to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, and newspaper spreads have detailed what could happen to the Jewish state both if it attacks and if it does not. Meanwhile, Israel's Home Front Command has been practicing for a massive unconventional missile barrage on Tel Aviv.

It is not known who exactly compiled the Yalkut Shimoni, but the oldest surviving copy dates to around 1310 AD. Many of the rabbis quoted in the Yalkut Shimoni lived far earlier, during the Talmudic era in the first and second centuries AD.


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Mack zugerbag is an ass hole

Beer Drinkers Are Boycotting Yuengling After Its Billionaire Owner Endorses Trump
October 27, 2016
One of America’s wealthiest beermakers is in hot water after voicing support for Donald Trump. Dick Yuengling, the fifth-generation owner of America’s oldest brewery, gave Eric Trump a personal tour of his historic Pottsville, Penn. plant on Monday, and, according to local reports, told the younger Trump, “Our guys are behind your father. We need him in there.”

His remarks sparked protests among some Yuengling patrons, who took to social media to voice their objections.State representative Brian Sims, one of Pennsylvania’s first openly gay state legislators, wrote a lengthy Facebook post criticizing the company. “D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc. believes that an agenda that is anti-woman, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT, anti-racial minority and anti-equality is best for them and that tells me all I need to know about what they think is best for their own customers,” Sims wrote in the post on Wednesday, which he signed “a former customer of 17 years.”

Later that day Sims also asked a number of gay-owned establishments in Philadelphia to follow in his footsteps and boycott the brand.

It appears some are heeding the call. David Perruzza, the manager of JR’s Bar in Washington, D.C., also posted a video of himself removing the bar’s Yuengling beer tap, saying, “When people support things that don’t support us, then we don’t support them.”

It’s a rare bout of bad publicity for Yuengling, which has achieved cult-like status in Pennsylvania and the 18 other states throughout the East Coast and Southeast where it can be found. It’s also a rare misstep for its billionaire owner, Dick Yuengling, who turned what was as struggling family brewery in 1985 into a $550 million (revenues) beer giant. He drives a dirty Toyota Camry to work every morning and wears Wrangler jeans, but his $1.9 billion net worth earned him the No. 361 spot on this year’s Forbes 400 list.

During an interview for Forbes’ recent feature story on his efforts to pass the business down to his four daughters, Yuengling hinted at a few reasons he might support a Trump administration. When asked what challenge he’s most concerned about his daughters facing, Yuengling pointed not to the increasingly-competitive beer market, but to excessive regulation. “The rules and the regulations and the paperwork — it’s horrible,” Yuengling told Forbes in May. “We don’t need the government to tell us everything.”

And he says the nation’s tax code is driving companies overseas. “I’m the owner of the oldest brewery in the country,” he told Forbes. “I’m trying to compete with Anheuser-Busch, which is owned by Belgians, and I’m sure the tax they pay is far less than the percentage we pay in the United States. How do you compete?”

Now, with the backlash against his endorsement of Trump gaining momentum, Yuengling could be losing formerly loyal customers to those same foreign competitors, including Anheuser-Busch.

When reached for comment, Yuengling said he would also be happy to welcome Hillary Clinton for a tour of his brewery, but declined to comment further. “I’ve said enough.”

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