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EFCC Grants Reuben Abati Bail With Stringent Conditions

Arrested ex Presidential Aide, Reuben Abati, has been granted bail by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

Abati was arrested on Monday on allegations that he received money from former NSA, Sambo Dasuki, who is also being tried for misappropriating the funds amongst several other charges.

As part of his bail conditions, Abati will have to drop his Passport and produce a surety of not below Level 16 in the Civil Service.

Oriental Times: EFCC Grants Reuben Abati Bail With Stringent Conditions

Oriental Times: EFCC Grants Reuben Abati Bail With Stringent Conditions

BIAFRA Is A Reality That Can't Be Wished Away Like Oduduwa & Arewa, Free Nnamdi Kanu Now - Iwuanyanwu

Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, has called on the Federal Government to urgently release the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO, and other members of the group currently in detention, saying that their agitation for Biafra did not mean secession.

According to Iwuanyanwu, Biafra is a reality that cannot be wished away just like Oduduwa and Arewa in South-West and North, respectively, saying that nobody would argue that members of Oduduwa and Arewa are trying to secede.

Chief Iwuanyanwu has also called for payment of reparation for the invasion of Igboland by herdsmen.

Iwuanyanwu, who spoke yesterday evening at Gregory University, Uturu, Abia State, at the opening ceremony of the 2016 World Igbo Summit, urged the Federal Government to release the detained Biafra agitators, or subject them to proper trial if they have gone against the law of the land and not to detain them perpetually which will cause more trouble for the nation.

Commending the organisers of the summit, holding with the theme Visioning the Igbo Nation in 2016, Iwuanyanwu, also condemned the attack on Igbo communities by herdsmen and called for protest by Ndigbo to National Assembly on the issue.

He said: “For years, I have been unhappy over Igbo affairs. This summit is a beacon of hope if we seriously work together. It will restore Igbo unity and hope.

“We should at the end have Uturu Declaration,” he said, while advising the organisers on the areas they would look into which include restructuring of the nation and marginalisation, which he said prompted the agitation by the youths.

He added: “Marginalisation of Igbo makes the youths to agitate for Biafra. Biafra is a reality you cannot wish away like Oduduwa and Arewa. “Biafra is a reality, but we are not seceding; the agitators have no arms.

You can only arrest them if they carry arms; they are peaceful agitators. The Federal Government should release them from prison.

Oriental Times: BIAFRA Is A Reality That Can't Be Wished Away Like Oduduwa & Arewa, Free Nn

Oriental Times: BIAFRA Is A Reality That Can't Be Wished Away Like Oduduwa & Arewa, Free Nn

The Good Series 1

Don’t Dialogue With The Devil

A very interesting and profound thing happened in the book of Genesis 3: 1-15, special emphasis on verses 8-15. Three characters were involved in that transaction that changed the destiny of mankind – Adam, his wife Eve and the Devil (serpent).

When God came in the evening, he asked Adam a question and waited for an answer, he also asked Eve a question and waited for an answer but when it got to the turn of the devil (serpent) he did not dialogue with him (he knew he will lie), he just told him what he needed to tell him.

The devil is a very old entity, he has seen and knows all the tricks and lies in the book, in fact he wrote them. When he introduces certain un-clean thoughts into your heart and mind, don’t dialogue with him, you may want to ask me why – because he can never ever tell you the truth, not because he wants to lie to you but because he hasn’t got the capacity to tell the truth, telling the truth is not in his nature, he doesn’t know what it is.

Once you try to dialogue with him, he will only tell you lies and deceit and am sure you know where those two always lead to. Don’t dialogue with him, just tell him what you need to tell him and shut him out of your heart and mind immediately.

This is what the bible said in Proverbs 4:23-24. I love how these 3 translations rendered it.

Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts. Never say anything that isn't true. Have nothing to do with lies and misleading words. (Good News Translation)

Keep vigilant watch over your heart, that’s where life starts. Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. (The Message Translation)

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech. (New Living Translation)

If you are touched by this series, I would love to hear from you. Just drop me a comment.

God Bless You

princess Eric changed her profile picture
8 yrs

princess Eric changed her profile picture
8 yrs


Mormons Determined to Give White House to Clinton, and Supreme Court to Left
October 24, 2016.

utah_temple_mormon_trumpThe state of Utah is historically a solid red state, its heavily Mormon population identifying best with the pro-Christian, pro-life, limited government and spending philosophies of the Republican party. This election year, however, the voters of the state of Utah appear to be enamored of the idea of a protest vote, wherein they demonstrate their dislike for the superficially flawed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump by voting for independent third-party candidate Evan McMullin.

Putting aside the question of Evan McMullin’s fitness as a presidential candidate, the fact is he can’t win the 2016 presidential election. So whose votes will go to him? He claims to be the most conservative of the candidates–therefore, nearly every vote he receives will be poached from the Republican candidate.

The polls are extremely tight this election, despite a hailstorm of revelations about Hillary Clinton’s many criminal acts and daily bombshells about hers, her campaign’s and the Democratic Party’s disdain for America, its values, and its citizens. The press is clearly in Clinton’s back pocket, burying every salacious revelation about Clinton, while inflating every unsubstantiated handful of mud the Democrats can invent to sling in Trump’s direction.

The truth is that this year’s election is the last gasp of America and its ideals. Obama’s goal was to “fundamentally transform America,” and he has succeeded to a large degree, devastating our free-market economy, making immorality the norm, minimizing all aspects that demonstrate American greatness, regulating businesses to the point of shutting doors and moving operations overseas, and inflaming racial tensions. Internationally, he has decimated America’s influence and standing, and has undermined our loyal allies while propping up our enemies. Islamic terrorism has been nurtured under Democratic leadership, and Americans are no longer safe from terrorism in their own cities.

Hillary Clinton promises more of what Obama has given us. She has also made it clear that she will pack the Supreme Court with leftist judges, who will reinterpret the Constitution to allow every unconstitutional program and policy that the Court has disallowed for the past 200 years. She promises that America will be remade in the image of what she and her leftist Alinsky devotees have envisioned since the 1960s.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, offers America pro-life, pro-family, pro-Christian policies. His recently announced Contract with America is exactly what our nation needs to heal from the absurd policies the left has inflicted on our nation and its citizens. He pledges to replace Justice Scalia and other aging Supreme Court justices with Scalia-like jurists, who view our Constitution as the Founders viewed it–a document that limits the scope and power of government, and that protects American citizens from governmental overreach. Yes, Trump has some superficial blemishes, but they are insignificant in the big picture.

Mormons would be wise to remember how superficial prejudice backfired on the Evangelicals in the last election. Mormon Mitt Romney was eminently qualified to lead our nation, and would have spared us so much of the misery we have suffered at the hands of a leftist Obama–misery that is deeply entrenched in our institutions for generations to come if we don’t reverse the damage immediately. The feeling that Mormons aren’t quite Christian enough for Evangelicals, resulting in throwing their votes away, puts the blame of an Obama second term squarely at the feet of Evangelicals. Will similar shortsightedness and thoughtlessness on the part of Mormons rob Mr. Trump of Utah’s electoral votes and hand a close race to the left?

Remember Utah, every vote you cast for Evan McMullin, is a vote for Hillary Clinton.

By James Thompson
James Thompson is an LDS writer and ghostwriter, who is well acquainted with Utah politics–he was ghostwriting the book of Utah’s Speaker of the House, Becky Lockhart, when she died suddenly and unexpectedly. James’ latest book is an LDS historical fiction about the life of the young prophet Enoch titled Enoch in the City of Adam.

North Has Gold, Diamond, Oil, Others But I Still Want Us To Remain With Biafrans - Maitama Sule

Elder statesman, Alhaji Yusuf Maitama Sule, is not known for granting many interviews; rather, the media gets update on his thoughts from his grand public speeches. However, on this occasion, he was willing to speak exclusively to Daily Sun.

In this interview, he remarked that the true story of the Civil War in the country was yet to be told.

He spoke on the recent efforts by some people in the South-east to resurrect the Biafra Republic, saying they would not succeed. Excerpt:

What is your personal reaction to the huge story of corruption that is prevalent in Nigeria today. How do you see it?

I see it as something that is very, very bad! I have told you, I have painted the picture black, but I have not lost hope. I have faith in God. And Nigerians, both Muslims and Christians are good followers of their religions and I hope that they would practice what they have been taught in their religions: he who has faith in God does not lose hope in Him. I am, therefore, optimistic – I am not a pessimist- that all the ugly things that are now around us would one day come to an end, by the grace of God. I have seen it in the past; I saw so many crises, before Independence, on Independence and after Independence. We have been able to overcome them, by the grace of God. Some­times, it was a miracle how we were able to overcome them, some of these crises.

I saw the crisis of the Independence Motion of Chief Enahoro in 1952 or 53, which almost broke the country apart. That was during the colonial days. He brought this motion asking for Independence immediately and the Northern members of the House who were representatives amended the motion to read, ” as soon as practicable.” This did not go down with our Southern brothers and they organized all sorts of things against them. The Northern legislators were stoned, they were abused, and indeed, they had to be escorted to Kaduna by the police. Later Chief Akintola was sent to Kano to give a lecture, to explain to the people in the North that their representatives did not want Independence for the country. The lecture was never held and that was the reason we had the very first political riot in Kano. But soon after, we were able to put these things behind our back and our leaders came together and they started discussing the real issues of Independence. We overcame. Then, there was the census crisis in the House of Representatives in 1958 or so.

The census figures were not accepted. For about a week, there was heated debate in the House, the country was about to break to pieces. Like a miracle , one morning the Prime Minister made a short a statement, a short statement lasting not more than five minutes. And that brought to an end the heated crisis. Again, we were able to over­come. In 1959, after the Independence elec­tions, no one party had the overall majority to enable it form the government alone. But NPC had more seats than either of the two parties , Action Group or NCNC. People started talking or urging the two southern parties, Action Group and NCNC, to form an alliance. If they did, they would be able to form a government. But some well-meaning people waded into the crisis. They said look, if you do that, you will elbow out the North. The NPC represents the North; it is more than half of the country in size and population. If you did that, you will elbow out the North and the North might think of breaking away from the country. They told Zik, “ Look you were in the forefront for the struggle of the independence of the country and you wanted an independent , united Nigeria. If you did this , you will be breaking up Nigeria. That was not your wish.” And Zik did the right thing, he agreed to enter into alliance with the NPC.

He agreed to surrender the prime ministership with the executive power to the NPC. That saved the country again. In 1964, we had a controver­sial election, the two main political parties – Action Group and NCNC, boycotted the elections. The NPC and the UNDP, a new party formed by Chief Akintola after he had broken away from the Action Group, went to the polls. Akintola was the premier of the West. So the West and the North went to the polls. The East and Mid -West did not and we claimed that we had won the elections. The President, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, according to the Constitution was the one to invite the leader of the party or governing party or majority party to form the government. He said that he would not because elections were not conclusive, or the elections were not conducted properly. The country became ungovernable. Some well-meaning people waded into the crisis and they brought the leaders of the parties, NCNC and NPC together and they agreed that parties that did not hold the elections should go and conduct elections- in the Mid West and in the East where there were no elections and where the NCNC was in control. They went and held elections and brought their members, and they joined to form what was then called a broad-based government.

Again we overcame. Even the coup in 1966 would not have been possible if the statement the prime minister had wanted to make the next day, if he had made it. This is because on the night of the coup, the prime minister was telling K O Mbadiwe and Festus Okotie -Eboh, when they went to discuss the Western crisis that he did not support the crisis and that he would make a statement the next day and declare a state of emergency in the West, remove Akintola and appoint an administrator.

He had even draft­ed the speech and given it to K.O Mbadiwe and said he should go and sleep over it. That if he had any suggestions he should bring them back the next morning. That was the statement he never made. On that night, he was carried away and killed. So if he had made that statement, we would have over­come that crisis. However, after the coup, when there was a counter coup in June and July 1966, many people wanted to break out. Again some people waded into the crisis and we were able to save the country and the country remained one.

Then the Civil War came. Nobody expected that Nigeria would be the same again. In no part of the world was there any civil war at the end of which the country remained the same. Here in Nigeria, we were able to make it. After the Civil War, we came back together and we are still together. God has done it. What God has brought together, let no man put asunder.

(cuts in) But the Biafran people in the East are still making noise that they want to secede?

They will not succeed by the grace of God. There are people who did not know what happened during the Civil War. The story of the Civil War, the Biafran war is presented in different ways by different people. But the truth is yet to be known.

Those of us that know what it was and that saw it all……. For example, no one in Lagos; no one of us in Lagos today knows about the crisis of the Civil War or about the night of the coup and the day after, no one knows it more than I do. And I have been asked severally to write about what I saw on that night. But I have told people that I will not! Were I to say or to write and tell the nation what I knew, what I saw, what I heard before, during and after the coup, I will open a fresh wound. I will not do that! Having enjoyed peace, having come together, having forgiven one another, I should not open the old wound. No!

What about your advice to the youth agitating in the South-east for the birth of Biafra?

Let them listen to their elders. Those agitating for it are young people who don’t know what happened in those days; who don’t know the history. And in any event, those, for example, in the North are not afraid, but they don’t want it. I don’t want this country to disintegrate and I don’t pray for the disintegration of this country, not because we (the North) cannot stand on our own……. I was the minister of mines and power. At Independence, I was the first min­ister of oil and I had served more than any other minister in that ministry having been there for almost seven years- From 1959 to 1966, I know what we have in the country; I know what we have in the North. The North has got enough. We have got diamonds, gold, uranium and even oil and minerals. We have got agricultural lands. We have got the land and we can be on our own , but I don’t want us to be alone .

I want us to share these with our brothers. It is not for nothing that God has brought us together- different tribes, different religions and different political inclinations, and even different climatic conditions. God has brought us together so that we may learn to live with one another in peace. Because of the role he wants us to play. God wants us to lead Africa; God wants us to inspire the blacks of the world. We can only do this if we are united at home and if we respect one another at home. Nigeria is big enough to accommodate all of us. We must learn to respect one another.

Today, we are talking of globalization and yet people here are talking of disintegration. Europe has formed European Union. Even Africa has got an African Union. The United States of America is thinking of teaming up with Cana­da and Brazil to form an Economic Union in that area. We are talking of globalization and unification. Quite recently, Scotland wanted to break away from Great Britain, they had a plebiscite recently . It did not succeed. They remained one.

They are still part of Great Britain. Yet, here you are talking of breaking away. No! Let those sons of ours think of Nigeria, not of themselves. It is not in their interest. Their people are very enterprising, hardworking. They are industrious. They go to other parts of the country. I want them to feel free to go to any part of the country and feel that we are together, that we are our brothers’ keeper.

Oriental Times: North Has Gold, Diamond, Oil, Others But I Still Want Us To Remain With Biafrans - M

Oriental Times: North Has Gold, Diamond, Oil, Others But I Still Want Us To Remain With Biafrans - M

No. 1 Awarding Winning Political Blog. We give In-depth Report On Biafra, Niger Delta, Nigeria and World Politics.

U SEE AM!!! Nigerian Army Major, Captain Caught Leaking Information To Boko Haram

A Nigerian army Major and Captain are being held for leaking vital information to Boko Haram insurgents, the army on Wednesday announced.

They duo are part of the 30 people recently arrested for aiding the terrorists to perpetrate their acts and sabotaging the army's counter-insurgency efforts in the north east.

The official added that the Army was intensifying investigation to unravel two established cases against the arrested suspects, which were the leakage of information on troops’ movement to the insurgents and the raising of funds to finance Boko Haram operations through cattle rustling.

They were arrested following the recent attack on military troops in Gashigar, Borno by the militants with several soldiers missing thereafter.

The Army leadership after the attack, took out time to screen the communications lines of the officers for several days without making it known, someone familiar with the matter said.

“The suspicion was that they have links with some civilians and the links were traced. They are giving them vital information concerning the movement of soldiers.

The military suspects would be subject to military laws in accordance with the law, authorities say.

Oriental Times: U SEE AM!!! Nigerian Army Major, Captain Caught Leaking Information To Boko Haram

Oriental Times: U SEE AM!!! Nigerian Army Major, Captain Caught Leaking Information To Boko Haram

No. 1 Awarding Winning Political Blog. We give In-depth Report On Biafra, Niger Delta, Nigeria and World Politics.

Just in: President Buhari to reshuffle cabinet after outcry Akinyemi Akinrujomu Yesterday President Muhammadu Buhari has begun to fish for replacements for under-performing and ‘unknown’ ministers in his cabinet, Sahara Reporters writes. It reports that the move follows outcry that has trailed the performances of his ministers in the last one year. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Buhari ministers President Buhari and his ministers. Quoting unnamed sources, Sahara Reporters reports that President Buhari’s decision is based on not just public uproar but also the first lady Aisha’s fierce condemnation and the complaints of members of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC). READ ALSO: ”APC will collapse by 2019 unless……” – Spokesman This development comes just days after the controversy that trailed an interview granted by Aisha to the BBC Hausa Service in which she claimed that unknown people have taken over her husband’s cabinet. While the President did reply his wife in the most unusual manner, it however gave him some concern over where his government is headed and he has now decided to weed out ‘useless’ elements from his kitchen cabinet. While there are yet to be names mentioned for those to leave the cabinet, expected to be high on the least are ministers who have been embroiled in scandals and those who are consistently under-performing. READ ALSO: REVEALED! Why Buhari must sack some members of his cabinet – Lawmaker speaks recalls that President Buhari was accused by a veteran northern politician Junaid Mohammed of turning the government into a family business. It however remains to be seen if the President would correct this assertion as well.

Just in: President Buhari to reshuffle cabinet after outcry ▷ NAIJ.COM

Just in: President Buhari to reshuffle cabinet after outcry ▷ NAIJ.COM News ☛ President Muhammadu Buhari has begun to fish for replacements for under-performing and 'unknown' ministers in his cabinet very soon.

Patience Jonathan: It took me 15 years to save up the $15m frozen by EFCC
Patience Jonathan: It took me 15 years to save up the $15m frozen by EFCC
October 20

Patience Jonathan, former first lady, says it took her 15 years to save up the $15million dollars that has now been frozen by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

In September, it emerged that Mrs. Jonathan was the subject of an EFCC investigation regarding the source of the money, but she maintained innocence — even though the four individuals representing the companies linked with the alleged laundering had pleaded guilty to the charge in court.

The companies – Seagate Property Development & Investment Co. Limited; Pluto Property and Investment Company Limited; Trans Ocean Property and Investment Company Limited and Development Company Limited – pleaded guilty to conspiring to launder $15 million.

Directors of the companies are domestic workers of Waripamowei Dudafa, Jonathan’s special adviser on domestic affairs.

Patience had previously clarified that the $15m was for her foreign medical bills and other private expenses, and even branded the EFCC a big thief for going after her money.

But in a suit she filed against the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project, which had earlier given the federal government a seven-day ultimatum to prosecute her, Patience explained that she got the money from gifts from people she could not even remember, over a 15-year period.

“There has been a running battle between the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and Mrs Jonathan with respect to the release of her legitimately earned funds which were deposited in accounts opened in the names of certain companies by one of her husband’s aides without her authorization,” her attorneys had written to the court, according to SERAP.

“The funds in question were legitimate gifts from her friends and well-wishers over the last 15 years, which she had been saving in order to utilize to upgrade family businesses and concerns, which had been somewhat dormant by reason of the long period of her husband service as a public officer in Nigeria.

“The gifts were given in small contributions by several persons, some of whom she cannot even now recall over this period of 15 years sometimes in as small a gift as N250,000 Naira. In order to preserve the value of these funds, which she did not require for any purpose at the time, she changed them into foreign exchange and kept them as cash for a long period in her home safe in Port Harcourt and Abuja.

“It was when the family home in Otuoke was burnt down by hoodlums under the instigation of political adversaries in 2010 that she began to think about banking these gifts, which had now grown to large sums in United States Dollars. In 2010, she therefore summoned one of her husband’s domestic aids, Waripamo-Owei Emmanuel Dudafa to assist her in opening bank accounts into which the funds could be deposited.

“Unknown to her, the said Dudafa, in a bid to be discreet about the owner of the funds, decided to bank the funds in the names of companies owned by him. When she discovered this, she was constrained to continue with the names of the companies when she was advised that it did not make any difference as to the ownership of the funds since the director of the company would appoint her as sole signatory to the accounts in question.”

Patience explained that when Dudafa was arrested in 2016 and detained, she had no fear for the funds, as she realised that the funds could not be attributable to him once it was discovered that she was the sole signatory to the said accounts.

“It was therefore a rude shock to her when she discovered that a no transaction order had been placed on the accounts by the EFCC in the belief that the funds belonged to Dudafa,” she added.

“She instructed her solicitors to further write to the EFCC to inform them that the funds belong to her and that they formed a part of her legitimate earnings over the last 15 years. It was this letter that was leaked by the EFCC to the media that became sensationalized and led to the plaintiff’s vilification and attack by ignorant persons who had no information about the matter.”